Things to do before i die

The short list:

1. Make a video game

2. Visit the World

– includes Europe, capitals, North Korea and others

3. Write a book

4. Grow a big beard

5. Have a meaningful conversation with someone famous

6. Have a nice cabin in the mountains

7. Get on top of my country

8. Have a nice meal on a train

9. Live a weekend without the aid of technology

10. Do skydiving,bungee jump, parachute drop or whatever adrenaline rush i can find

11. Fly a plane

12. Survive a day in the wild [with nothing to help me]

13. Spend a night in a cemetery

14. Spend a day eating only junk food

15. Ride the Trans-Siberian Express across Asia.

16. Spend a night in a haunted house

17. Take a hot baloon ride

18. Make a movie

19. See  a sunrise with a good horizon view

20. See  a sunset with a good horizon view

21. Climb a very high summit [2535 current record]

22. Take a bath in a river

23. Smoke a cigar from Cuba

24. Scuba diving [preferably in the Red Sea]

25. Plant a tree and watch it grow through the years

26. Do a public speaking to a large crowd

27. Drink an aged wine

28. Take a bath under a waterfall

29. Ride a  big roller coaster

30. Spend a day on a remote island

31. Ride a horse

32. Eat bugs

33. Have a dog

34. Make a fire the old fashion way

35. Set foot on every 7 continents

36. Attend a convention like blizzcon,e3 ,etc

37. Have a vacation in the Alps

38. Be part of a protest/demonstration

39. Sail on the see for a couple of days

40. Discover something

Things Done:

1. Go to a concert of my favorite band [Hammerfall]

2. Play a board-game all day

3. Learn to play an instrument

4. Win a big contest

5. Defeat Arthas 🙂

6.Get a jade for a Jade

7.Go to one of my favorite stand up comics[Eddie Izzard]

8.Bike ride between 2 cities

9.Sleep under the stars

10. Go to a concert of the pillars of rock and heavy metal [Metallica, Iron Maiden,Ac/Dc,Judas Priest]

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