Posts Tagged ‘Creative Assembly’

Shifting Perspectives

June 13, 2013

I was thinking for some time to write this post so it’s about time I wrote it. Some time ago I stopped making reviews maybe because I lack the time and mood but also I think I am not that great at doing them, always hated my voice however that didn’t stop me in the past. However after a while it became a burdensome task and the enjoyment fell little by little. I was born playing and enjoying lots of games, who am I kidding, I freaking love the gaming world.

But over the years other hobbies and interests developed for example cinematography is one of the latest and as my taste became more developed I played fewer games, the only ones I knew I enjoy because let’s face it the gaming industry produces crap as much as the other forms of art and entertainment. I would like to talk about video games as art because the opinions are so divided but that is probably for another post.

So as years have gone by my playing time has been shortened very much, I still try to overlap activities to get much more in my spare time like watching a movie and playing at the same time. Put more real life concerns like finishing university, moving out to another city, getting a job and my time for games will be almost gone. It’s not entirely a catastrophe because I scarcely play as long as I did back in the day, now I careful select what games have the opportunity to fall under my royally fingers 😛

That is why I didn’t do as many reviews as I should, although I wrote here on the blog because it is easier that way. Also I don’t see myself in the future doing more because as I said I have other projects I find more appealing like starting a horror community, writing a novel and most important getting better at my skills as a programmer. That leaves the blog, which I accustomed myself to making it bimonthly again strained by mood and free time. However this blog was not created as a platform for videogames but more casual crap I like and whatever strikes me at a moment that I want to write about.

Now getting back to video games, I always knew I would write/blog/review/vlog about them because I always played a lot of them and had opinions I needed to share with others which was harder as I grew up as my friends would stop playing so that’s why I turn to the internet. I never aimed at being popular or nothing more like a niche, small community type thing which to some degree I succeeded.

However i will try something I never did before, in each year I expect some games that are coming out that I know I need to play. The first one was Bioshock Infinite that I already have written about and posted a video and one more game I droll about…and that is the amazing Rome Total War 2. Im so excited even now while I write these words, so what I was thinking that in the summer holiday I will attempt a Let’s Play Rome Total War, to get in the mood for the next game. I will be playing my favorite mod Rome Total Realism and not the original or other expansions although Barbarian Invasion would be cool. My only concerns will be that i hope I will be entertaining and worthy to watch. So until then enjoy a Rome video and maybe shed a tear or have a laugh about the ending of the reviews.


Rome II Total War announced

July 13, 2012

Im like a kid on ChristmaS!!!!!!111 OMG OMG OMG 😀

Creative Assembly answered my wishes and we will have a sequel to one of my favorite games of all time. They promise to release it in 2013 and to revolutionize the genre by implementing a bigger campaign and a cinematic mode to boast up the realism in the battle field.

The game will have a new graphic engine and new gameplay features and I am sure that they won’t disappoint cause Creative Assembly never let me down in any game. Below you can see the trailer, first images of Rome 2 and two interviews with Jamie Ferguson and James Russel. Besides that….omg…I CAN’T WAIT!!!